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Animals at Lumbee Cultural Center

Introduction to animals found at the trail of the Lumbee Cultural Center. Explain sections below. Click Section title to be brought to associated webpage.

a cold-blooded vertebrate animal of a class that comprises the frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill-breathing larval stage followed (typically) by a terrestrial lung-breathing adult stage.


-Oxford Dictionary

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The insect taxon covers a vast assortment of animals. In order to classify an animal as an insect, it must fit into certain defining characteristics. First, the body of an insect must be divided into three segments or tagmata; these segments consist of the head, thorax, and abdomen (UNL c2021). Next, their segmented legs come in three pairs, totaling six legs. Then, an insect has symmetry to where it can be divided into two equal halves; in other words, one half of the insect reflects the other half of the insect. Lastly, insects have a chitinous protective outer layer, known as an exoskeleton.


Insects are an extremely important part of the ecosystem (Smithsonian Institution 1996). Insects pollinate flowers and disperse seeds, allowing plants to grow (Sweetser 2021). Insects are important for many species of birds and other wildlife, as they serve as an important source of nutrition (Sweetser 2021). Insects get rid of a lot of the waste that humans and nature create (Sweetser 2021). They consume dead trees, plants, and other matter. Insects are also beneficial to humans by way of scientific studies (Smithsonian Institution 1996). Fruit flies have helped scientists to learn more about genetics because their lifespan is so short. Insects create goods and products that humans use, such as silks for clothing, honey that we consume, and certain dyes are created by insect pigmentation (Smithsonian Institution 1996). Insects, despite oftentimes receiving a negative reputation, truly play an important role in our world.




Smithsonian Institution. 1996. Benefits of Insects to Humans. Accessed 3 November 2021. The Department of Systematic Biology, Entomology Section. The Smithsonian Institution.


Sweetser, Robin. 2021. Why Do We Need Bugs? Accessed 3 November 2021. The Old Farmer’s Almanac.


University of Nebraska-Lincoln Contributors. c2021. What is an Insect? Accessed 3 November 2021. Science and Literacy Outreach. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

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