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Non-Insect Arthropods

Spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, centipedes and millipedes are the most common creatures found in the non-insect arthropod group. ... Spiders are the most abundant species of this group.,abundant%20species%20of%20this%20group.


Carolina wolf spider- Hogna carolinensis

Carolina wolf spider- Hogna carolinensis

Spiny orb weaver-Gastacantha cancriformi

Harvestman Long Legs - Opiliones

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Regal jumper - Phidippus regius.jpg

Regal Jumper- Phidippus regius

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Spiny orb weaver- Gastacantha cancriformis

Centipedes and Millipedes

What are spiders?

Spiders are very important Arthropod predators in the Arachnida class (Levi et al. 2022). Compared to insects, spiders have eight legs instead of six and have a body divided into two parts, including the cephalothorax and abdomen (Levi et al. 2022).  The legs have hairlike bristles which spiders use as feelers to help them find food and move around. Most spiders use venom, webs, and other traps to capture their prey, which can include other arthropods and insects (Levi et al. 2022). After the prey is caught and killed, some spiders chew it and put enzymes all over it. Other spiders bite prey and put enzymes inside of the body to liquify tissues. Although venom is common to kill prey, it can be toxic to humans. Black widows, Brown recluse, and other spiders’ bites can lead to tissue death and nerve poison. 

Levi, L. R., Herbert W. Levi, and Joseph Culin. 2022. "spider." Encyclopedia Britannica.

Why are spiders important?


Spiders serve our ecosystems in terms of pest control, medicine, and ingenuity. Spiders are predators so they may be kept in gardens and crops to replace harmful insecticides. Insects have been controlled by spiders in Chinese rice fields and Israeli apple orchards (Soken-Huberty 2020). Spiders make webs that are excellent at trapping tiny insects and thereby reducing the spread of illnesses like malaria carried by mosquitoes (Soken-Huberty 2020). Scientists have been studying spider venom and silk for medicinal uses (Soken-Huberty 2020). The results of studies on the venom's impact on cancer cells have been encouraging. One spider, the funnel-web spider of Fraser Island, possesses venom that contains a chemical that reduces the impact of brain strokes. The toxin of a Chinese tarantula was manipulated by researchers at the University of Queensland, and as a result, a protein that suppresses pain was created. It has yet to be tried on people, but it did work on mice. Silk is made of proteins, is biocompatible, and has no side effects. Researchers are still looking at the possibilities of silk for treating wounds. Spider silk is not only being evaluated in medicine but also in engineering. Because of its special composition, spider silk might be used in substitution of materials like Kevlar (Soken-Huberty 2020). A biotech business called Vestaron has spent several years creating a "biopesticide" for agriculture relying on funnel-web venom (Soken-Huberty 2020).

Soken-Huberty, Emmaline. 2021. “10 Reasons Why Spiders Are Important.” The Important Site.,desert%20climates%2C%20spiders%20are%20valuable%20food%20for%20mammals

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